Fixed appliance with metallic brackets
The brackets bonded on the teeth are made of a metallic alloy. This is the classical fixed appliance, which is still the most effective even nowadays. The archwire which links the teeth, is fixed to the brackets by metallic or elastic ligatures, the colour of which can be changed during treatment.
Fixed appliance with aesthetic brackets
Aesthetic braces were invented for adults. The top category of these is represented by the sapphire backets, which are made of an artificial crystal and are completely transparent, so they take up the colour of the natural teeth and are much less visible. They are more beautiful and resistant than the other aesthetic braces made of other materials (ceramic, composite etc.). If you would like an aesthetic appliance on all accounts, it is worth choosing this type.
Transpalatal arch (Goshgarian)
It is a wire which connects two upper molars along the palate. It is meant to derotate and anchor them.
It is a wire which connects two upper molars along the palate. It is meant to derotate the molars and to widen the upper arch.
Rapid maxillary expander
It is an appliance fixed on the upper arch, which has a screw in the middle. It expends the upper arch in a more powerful way. It is used in case of narrow upper arches or crossbites.
Functional appliance (Frankel)
It is a removable appliance, which influences the growth of the bone.
Petit mask
It is an extraoral appliance which leans against the forehead and the chin and stimulates the growth of the upper arch.
Removable appliance for retention (Hawley plate)
It leans on the palate, being held on the teeth by anchors. Its purpose is to conserve the results of the active orthodontic treatment.
Fixed retention
It is a thin wire which is bonded on the inner part of the teeth in order to maintain the results obtained during the orthodontic treatment.
Space maintainer
When a deciduous tooth, especially a molar is lost before its normal time for exfoliation, its space needs to be conserved, unless it will be too small by the time the permanent tooth erupts. Space maintainers serve this purpose.
These are small screws, which are placed into the bone for the time of the orthodontic treatment in order to be able to move teeth more efficiently.
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Sfântu Gheorghe, str Konsza Samu nr 22, jud Covasna 520009